Working with Table in Word Document

Working with Table

A table is a structure of vertical columns and horizontal rows with a cell at every intersection. Each cell can contain text or graphics, and can format the table in any way you want. Usually top row in the table is kept as a table header and can be used to put some informative instruction.

Create New Table

Following are the simple steps to create a table in word document by using table grid feature-

  • Click the Insert Menu, and click Table button. This will display a simple grid shown below.
  • Move your mouse over the grid cells, it makes a table which appears in the document. You can make your table having desired number of rows and columns, maximum 10 columns and 8 rows.
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Insert Table:

For more numbers of column and rows in the table following below steps:-

  • Click on the table button from insert menu.
  • From the drop down list click on insert table option, insert table dialog box will appear as illustrated below.
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  • Define number of rows and columns according to your table size. And Click on Ok to insert table.

Draw Table:

This option provides to draw table with a pensile. When you click on this option the mouse pointer became to pensile and it allow you to draw the table outer border and drag horizontally and vertically to draw rows and columns respectively.

Delete a Table, Row and Column:

Following are the simple steps to delete an existing table from a word document.

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Step (1): Click anywhere in the table you want to delete. In case row and column you have to selected particular rows and columns you want.
Step (2): Click the Layout Menu, and click Delete.
Note : Select and press delete key to remove content in table, select rows, columns or table and press backspace to delete rows, columns or table respectively.

Insert Rows & Columns

Add a Row:
Following are the simple steps to add rows in a table of a word document.
Step (1): Click a row where you want to add an additional row and then click Layout Menu.
Step (2): In case of row you can chose insert above or below button to insert row at the place of cursor in respective manner.
Add a Column:
Following are the simple steps to add column in a table of a word document.
Step (1): Click a column where you want to add an additional column and then click Layout Menu.
Step (2): In case of row you can chose insert left or right button to insert column at the place of cursor in respective manner.

Note: In word 2013 when you place the mouse point at the intersection part of column above and left of row it will display a plush sign and its allow to add column or row by click on it.

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Merging Cells

Microsoft Word allows merging two or more cells to create one large cell. You would frequently need to merge columns of the top row to create title of the table. You can merge cells either row-wise or column-wise, rather you cannot merge cells diagonally. Following are the simple steps to merge table cells in a word document.
Step (1): First select the number of cells you want to merge.
Step (2): Now click the Layout Menu and then click Merge Cells Button which will merge all the selected cells.

Split Table

Sometime there will be a situation when you would like to split an existing table into two or more tables. Microsoft Word allows splitting a table into multiple tables
Following are the simple steps to split a table into two tables in a word document.
Step (1): Bring your mouse pointer position anywhere in the row that should appear as the first row of the new table.
Step (2): Now click the Layout tab and then click Split Table Button which will split the table into two tables and selected row will become the first row of the lower table.

Split Cells

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Microsoft Word allows splitting a cell into multiple sub-cells of a table.
Step (1): Bring your mouse pointer position inside a cell that you want to divide into multiple cells.
Step (2): Now click the Layout menu and then click Split Cells Button which will display a dialog box asking for number of rows and columns to be created from the selected cell.
Step (3): Select the desired number of rows and columns which you would like to have in resultant cell and finally click OK button to apply the result.